Thursday, June 18, 2009

Eco-Tourism in Bhutan

Eco-Tourism is also known as Ecological Tourism. Bhutan’s peacefulness, unpolluted and rich in natural habitat area, indigenous cultural heritages is extremely well suited for Eco-tourism. When tourism was initially started in 1974, it was started based on Eco-Tourism. Through our Eco-tourism, we try to protect and make aware of the importance of our natural habitat, indigenous culture, at the same providing to our visitors an unique opportunities to learn about the community they visit and they can also contribute their small way to protect the local communities. Although they are contributing a lot just by visiting Bhutan through us. Not only this, we can develop the sense of greater appreciations of our environment, local communities and also responsibilities of their protections and respecting the local cultures of this world.
We also learn importance of conservation of biological diversity and cultural diversity through ecosystem protection. Thus, our Eco-tourism contributes to the long term benefits to both the environment and local communities. Hence we always design our trip to be environmentally, culturally and socially friendly. Authentic Bhutan Tours will be the best tour agency in Bhutan, with whom you can explore and experience the Eco-Tourism in Bhutan.

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